Park Rules

1.   The speed limit on the park is 8 mph, speeding will not be tolerated

2.   Our caravan shall not be used for sleeping more than 6 persons

3.   Sleeping in motor vehicles or tents is not permitted

4.   Guests are not permitted to bring pets (The site owners only allow van owners to bring pets)

5.   You may park ONE car along the door side of the caravan “ONLY”, If possible, you may wish to park in the official car park after unloading

6.   Please remove all refuse to the skip in Black Bags

7.   Hose pipes are not to be used and the washing of cars is not permitted on the site

8.   No firearms or replica firearms are allowed in the Park

9.   No ball games are allowed near the caravans

10. Skateboards, Scooters, or uninsured mechanically propelled vehicles of any description are not permitted on the Park. Mobility Scooters must be insured

11. Toilet facilities in the Touring area are provided for use by Touring Caravaners Only

12. The Park owners operate a proof of age scheme within “The View” club house. Anyone under the age of 25 will be asked to provide government approved photographic identification before any alcohol will be served to them

13. No parking is permitted in front of “The View”

14. No minors (under the age of 18) are permitted in “The View” unless supervised by a responsible adult to ensure that children behave in an appropriate manner. For the safety and the consideration of others, please ensure that children do not:

a.    Run in the bar and restaurant area

b.   Play on the Stairs

c.    Climb or place feet on furniture or walls

d.   Sleep anywhere in “The View” (This is a licensing condition that will be strictly enforced)

15. CCTV is in operation at all times. Details of any criminal offence or criminal activity witnessed or captured on CCTV will be passed to the Police without delay. Anyone who has witnessed any such activity should contact the Police immediately

16. The Park Owner and their employees and agents accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to any Vehicle or Person whilst on the site